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Let's talk about CHOCOLATE MOUSSE! (Recipe)

Chocolate Mousse is a decadent treat perfect for any occasion. This recipe is a vegan version of a chocolaty classic. We think this Chocolate Mousse pairs perfectly with Cluster Blend or Sunset Blend

Ingredients :

  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 1/4 tsp Jacobsen Smoked Sea Salt
  • 1/2 tsp finely ground coffee (optional)
  • 1/8 tsp Cinnamon Powder
  • 2 large ripe avocados
  • 3oz unsweetened dark chocolate (we used unsweetened, but feel free to substitute for your favorite chocolate - just be sure it's dark chocolate)


  1.  Cut avocados in half, and place in your blender with salt, coffee, chocolate (cut, or broken into pieces) and cinnamon
  2. On your stove top, place almond milk in a sauce pot and heat on medium high until it's hot but not at a boiling point. You don't want to scorch your almond milk!
  3. Pour the warm almond milk over your avocado mixture and place the lid on the top of your blender. Let sit for one minute.
  4. Blend until all ingredients are well combined and it forms a thick pudding-like mixture (about one minute). You can adjust the consistency of your mousse by adding more avocado or chocolate to make it thicker, or adding more cold almond milk at the end to thin it out. It will setup in your fridge overnight, so don't worry if it is too soupy at first.